Sunday, April 11, 2004


Today is Easter Sunday. A day that has come and gone for many years, 22 of which I have been a part of, and today is the first time probably since I was little that I just felt like celebrating all day long. It wasn't about candy and bunnies and eggs. It was just about joy. I can't explain it. Have you ever just experienced a time in life when it was just good? Nothing extra special. No changes. You just felt good and peaceful? This weekend, as I was daily reminded of the sacrfice of Christ, I was also daily reminded of the joy that his life should bring to mine. Because today was about Christ being alive. And it was incredibly awesome! Even getting up at 7 am wasn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be because I had friends to share this incredible day with. We had a lot of fun; I am so thankful for their relationships with Christ because they have helped to renew mine. I hope that everyone else had an incredible Easter as well.